Helpful Hints

making a memorable visit

To help you make Santa’s visit a very enjoyable time for everyone, I have prepared the following list of suggestions. Some should be done in advance of Santa’s arrival, and there are some that should be done during Santa’s visit. Please feel free to call Cincy Santa if you have any questions.

Things To Do In Advance Of Santa’s Arrival

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If you opted for this Santa’s List book has a page inside for each child. It is you responsibility to get Cincy Santa all the information requested in a timely manner so that a proof can be sent to the parents, and the pages can be printed. If you have a large crowd, it would help if someone could assist Santa and find each Childs page for Santa before they actually sit on his lap.

Things To Do When Santa Arrives

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This is very important and something most adults don’t mean to do. Please don’t say things to Santa such as “Why you’re one of the best Santas I’ve ever seen”. Don’t ask questions about when he started playing Santa or where did he get his costumes. It’s very important that you treat Cincy Santa as Santa Claus and not as someone that plays Santa Claus. Please help keep the wonder of Christmas for your children and others.