Magical Library

Magical Library

“Well… that one was a hoot.” Seated on the office sofa, I laughed and slipped the letter into its envelope. “I love when children give me advice on what to feed my reindeer.” I was ready to read another letter, when the phone rang. “Good morning.”

“Morning Santa. I hope I’m not interrupting you.”

“Not at all Lector. I was just catching up on some letters from the children. What can I do for you?”

“We’ve finished updating the library at the University, and I am inviting you to visit.”

“Sounds like fun. Let me complete what I started and come over in let’s say 20 minutes.”

“Great. You’re going to be fascinated by some of the changes.”

I loved Lector’s dedication and enthusiasm. As my elf in charge of Elf University, he never ceased to amaze me how he and his staff could improve the library. Though tired, I decided to read the letter in my hand and make my way to the library afterward.

When I arrived, Lector greeted me at the door. “Now Santa, you need to keep an open mind. This is a library like none you have ever seen.”

With a quizzical look on my face, I nodded. “Then let’s see this magical library.”

The wise elf motioned for me to enter. Totally surprised, I stared at a room completely empty of books. “I don’t understand. This looks more like a reading room with lounge chairs scattered about so that anyone can read in comfort.”

“Well Santa, this is a magical library.” He pointed to a chair and when I was seated, he continued, “All you need to do is think about a book, and it will appear for you.”

“I’ve never heard of such a thing! Is this some kind of joke?”

“Not at all boss. We’ve decided to add some elfin magic to our library.” Lector then sat in a chair next to mine. “Go ahead. Just think of a book.”

I looked around the empty room and wondered if some elves were hiding, waiting to jump out and scare me. I decided to play along. “Do I need to tell you the book title?”

“No. All you have to do is think about it.”

Not wanting to disappoint my elf, I sat back and thought about Little Red Riding Hood.

Suddenly, there was a book in my lap. When I picked it up, I was shocked to see the title. “How did you do that?”

“I told you it was part of the new magical library,” Lector said excitedly. “Now, sit back and enjoy the experience.”

“I think I know how to read a book,” I mumbled and opened Little Red Riding Hood.

Suddenly, I found myself watching a young girl wearing a hood made of red velvet, playing outside. A woman, standing in the doorway of a house, called out. “Red, can you come here? I need you to take this basket of soup, bread, and milk to your grandmother. She is not feeling well.”

“I’ll make sure she gets it,” the young girl insisted as she took the basket.

Little Red headed down the path that went into the woods towards her grandmother’s home. As I followed, it was not long until she ran into a wolf.

“Good-day, Little Red Riding Hood,” the wolf said.

“Thank you kindly, Mr. Wolf.”

“Where are you headed?”

“To my grandmother’s.”

“What have you got in your basket?”

“Yesterday was baking-day, and my poor sick grandmother needs something good to make her stronger.”

“Where does your grandmother live, Little Red Riding Hood?”

“NO!” I screamed. “Don’t tell him! He only wants to hurt both of you!”

She did not hear me and told the Wolf where her grandmother’s house was. He said goodbye and left.

Once he was gone, I walked next to Little Red Riding Hood and tried to warn her about the wolf and what he planned to do. No matter how hard I tried, the little girl ignored me and continued skipping and walking along the path picking flowers.

When the young girl finally reached her grandmother’s house, she noticed the door was already open. “Grandmother?” she called out. When there was no answer she tried again, “Good morning grandmother! Are you there?”

When it appeared Red was going to enter the house, I screamed, “Don’t go in! That wolf you met on the trail is waiting for you. He will eat you and your grandmother!” Running toward the granddaughter waving my hands, I roared, “NO! DON’T GO IN! DON’T!!!”

Suddenly, I heard a crash and found myself sitting on the couch in my office. The door to my office was slammed against the wall, and Lector stood over me. “Santa, are you all right,” he kept asking while shaking my shoulders.

“What? Where am I? What are you doing here?”

“In your office. I think you were having a bad dream. You kept shouting ‘Don’t go in there,’ over and over again.”

Shaking my head, I sat up and stared at Lector. “I was dreaming about Little Red Riding Hood and tried to stop her from going into her grandmother’s house. It all seemed so real!”

As I got up from the couch and moved toward my desk, I looked at the elf and asked, “Did you need me for something?”

“Don’t you remember? I invited you to visit the improved library. I kept waiting, but you never showed. That’s when I became worried and walked to your office.”

“New Library?” I asked in a haunted voice and explained more about my dream. “Please tell me the books don’t just appear when you merely think of one.”

“What?” Lector responded with a laugh. “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“So, the library actually has books stored on shelves?”

“Santa, are you okay? How could it be a library without books?”

“Well then, I’d love to see the new library, as long as it is not some sort of magical library where you become part of the book you’re reading.”

As we both headed toward the door, Lector looked back at me and said, “Your idea for a magical library sounds interesting. I wonder if I talked to the Arctic Fairies . . .”

“NO MAGIC LIBRARY!” I bellowed and the two of us laughed. “A normal one with books is just fine!”

Notes From Santa

I hope you enjoyed today’s story. Stories are posted on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, except December. Santa’s next story will be posted on Saturday February 15, 2025.  If you have any comments or if there is something you would like me to tell you about, please feel free to leave me a comment. Until the next time . . .

To read other stories about Elf University please check out:

Translating Letters For Santa – August 19, 2019
Different Strokes – August 30, 2021
Double Time – October 11, 2021

Find Cincy Santa (@CincySanta) on:

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One Reply to “Magical Library”

  1. What a neat idea: you and the book you are reading, become one!?! Pretty magical and some books would become scary! Sy Fy meets Library or the Twilight Zone!!!!! Thanks again for another great story! Have a great week and enjoy the “thaw out” and sunshine! Come to think of it, does where you and the Elfs live have snow year round? Take care, be safe!!

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